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Human Rights Day 1999
Vigil for the Dineh at US General Consulate in Hamburg


On the 10th of December--the human rights day--FIAN, the organization for the human right to feed oneself, and the Society for Threatened People invited to a vigil for the Dineh in the Big Mountain area who are in danger of being definitely relocated from their traditional land and have to suffer a lot of repressions.

About twenty persons gathered in front of the US General Consulate in Hamburg. They built up an "Indian tent" (indeed it has been a scouts tent decorated with Indian symbols), held banners "No ethnic relocation in Arizona" "USA-keep human rights" and David R. sang his songs for the threatened people all over the world.

Some of these protestors will take part in the "Big Mountain Peace Team", a delegation from Germany which will be present in the Big Mountain Area in January/February when the deadline for the Dineh on Hopi partitioned land will pass.

Finally two delegates of the demonstrators were allowed to meet the consul Mr.Huizinga. He avowed that he did not know anything (!) about the Big Mountain conflict, and he could not imagine that the U.S. government could violate human rights. But he listened more or less an hour to the demonstrators' arguments and promised to transmit the protest. He recommended to address ourselves to Madeleine Albright, Secretary of State, as she might be sensible for people`s concerns in foreign countries.

Hopefully his little action will make a contribution to the Dineh’s struggle against relocation.

FIAN- Section Hamburg



